Monterock News

Message for Covid-19 by Monterock International

It is a most difficult time as Covid-19 (Coronavirus) has caused the dismantling of our social community, both locally and globally. We are undoubtfully facing a new and terrible opponent which is entering our daily lives and radically changing it.

Health of each one of us is a fundamental good for the whole community and it’s essential that adequate personal protective and medical equipment can be at anyone’s reach. 

This donation aims to fulfill just a part of such necessity and, at the same time, would like to convey my thankfulness for the brave men and women carrying every day an exceptional work while exposed to the grave risks deriving from this health emergency. 

Their enthusiasm and professional passion serving the communities in which they operate shall set the example of working together with equal passion and sense of belonging. 

Hence, thank you for the precious work that you are doing, it honors you and the entire national community of Montenegro.

I would like to emphasize on something that I felt when our Prime Minister made the announcement about my donation and the organization that supported it:

Montenegro is not alone and it’s not small. It is a nation with plenty of friends who love and respect it everywhere, especially in time of need. 

I’ve been approached by several institutional and private parties that expressed their readiness to help our country and I already informed our Government about this. 

The next cargo plane is already filled with necessary equipment and we are right now looking for a third plane that can transport even larger quantities of supplies to Podgorica airport. 

Please stay safe, be responsible and we all look forward to a summer of rejoicing. 


Petros Stathis

